artkudos international juried art competition and exhibition/ Merit Award Spyros Kolyvas
Spyros Kolyvas, Greece "The Mountain Pantokratoras I" oil 40cm x 50cm Kudos from Kara L. Rooney: In the tradition...
Την Παρασκευή, 11 Ιουλίου 2014, εγκαινιάζεται στην "Αίθουσα Τέχνης" της Πινακοθήκης του Δήμου Κέρκυρας η έκθεση των εικαστικών ΣΠΥΡΟΥ...
A r t C r i t i q u e by Doris Silverman
A r t C r i t i q u e by Doris Silverman Spyros Kolyvas, a painter from Greece who works exclusively with aquarelles, has all the...
Tzeni Papadatou Art Historian
Spyros Kolyvas is one of the artists who show the spectator exactly what they want to: When one first looks at his work he sees the...
Spyros Kolyvas’ water-colours
Spyros Kolyvas’ water-colours Landscape is not necessarily a transfer of the reality. It may be above all the translation of internal...